Low Price: $92,500 | High Price: $100,000
Length: 80Ft
Beam: 37.8 Ft
Draft: 7.1Ft
Year: 2023
A/C: Full
Crew: 4
Guests: 8
Cabins: 4
King: 1
Queen: 3
Double: -
Single: -
Twin: -
Pullman: -
Builder: Sunreef Yachts
Accommodations: Accommodating up to eight guests in four spacious ensuite staterooms, SÓL has a voluminous living space for charters.
The king-sized primary cabin sits amidships within the starboard hull with a queen-sized cabin forward. The portside hull accommodates two additional queen-sized staterooms. Each guest cabin has been intricately designed for maximum space, with ample storage options and deep closets. Organic bedding has been chosen for its highest quality, natural design and eco-consciousness, to help you drift off each night on a cloud of relaxation. The ensuites are complete with charging stations, luxury non-toxic personal care products, and hairdryers, along with a desk and safe in the primary cabin.